Tuesday, May 09, 2006


So ... who are these people who repost all these BULLSHIT MySpace bulletins? And HOW do they get away with wasting all that time at work filling out all those idiotic questionnaires and surveys? Why are they not fired? From being considered normal? I just dont get it...... myspace is a fun little world to keep people in contact with each other...do I CARE why you think that your #6 in your Top 8 is cooler than #2 or who has the more bitchin' ride : #4 or #7? Jesus people, when did this happen? Was I asleep? Was I drunk? No...I remember ... I WAS AT WORK ACTUALLY WORKING LIKE THE REST OF THE 'REAL' WORLD...

Holy frickin' christ!

It's like passing those lame ass notes in elementary school all over again... the ones where you had to circle the right answer...

1. Who do you like ? JIMMY STEVE (circle one)
2. Would you swallow? YES NO (circle one)
#. Do you think that the teacher has clamidia? MAYBE NO WAY (circle one)

Are we so bored that we have to revert to forcefeeding our supposed friends with the reasons why we think that they are cool? Are we THAT fucking insecure?

I thought a bulletin was exactly that...a BULLETIN! You know, something important to point out to people....a reminder, per say...not a self aggrandizing dribbly diatribe about what you think other people see you as. IF THEY ARE ON YOUR FRIENDS LIST....THEY PROBABLY KNOW YOU...enough to seek you out to be a friend. I dont want to know what you are feeling while you are bored at work....I like you how I see you...otherwise I wouldnt have stuck around you. People, wake up and stop trying to find things to keep yourself occupied with that have NO MEANING WHATSOEVER! Shit, if you are that bored with your life.... move...change jobs....uh, get a really wierd hobby...

THAT, my friends, says more about you than any stupid survey or repost.

I bet all you who do these things are also frequent 'forward'ers of emails....fucking hell... I hate you all....

(Side note: your MySpace page should NEVER be a topic of conversation while you are at dinner with friends either....FIND SOMETHING CONTRUCTIVE TO TALK ABOUT FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY! If I have to sit next to one more group of tittering women sipping wine talking about how they HAVE to get home and check their myspace page to see what so-and-so commented back...I will puke up my bean curd... or trout...last night it would have been trout)



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