Thursday, May 11, 2006

It isn't the money, it's the numbers...

can I just say that LOST is a great show? Too bad it took an entire season to get to the meat of the matter! Seems like they were dicking around for the last 20 days on that island until ecko had his dream. The only other mentionable is Henry Gale, who packed less punch than his potential. I will have to say that it was a little disappointing to see that everything that the fanboards have been knee-deep in discussion about for the last year or so is the direction that the writers have taken it. Maybe that is a cue for me to stop visiting the boards. the THF game is an interesting diversion, though.

If you couldnt see that it was an "experiment" in some way or fashion after ethan, the medical hatch, the costumes, etc..then you are an idiot. ha...seriously.

I still am addicted to the show, don't get me wrong. The creepiness, X-files-ish feel is gone though (replaced by a all-too-common current day voyeur fetish handful of secret people which smacks of the evesdropping government overbearance we have seen of late.)

My issue is that it is playing to the lowest common denominator, leaving us devout to watch, watch and rewatch the episodes for the slightest HINT of something that we can work into a new theory.

I love the characters.... but, with the exception of ecko and bernard, the tailies were a waste of my time. Ana's character.. rediculous. Libby was at least interesting to me since I thought that she was full of shit from the beginning and I was just waiting for her lies to come out in the open. If it wasn't for Locke, this show would have no appeal to me other than the hotness of Jack and Sawyer...I have been chomping at the bit for another episode based on him. Hurley's story is good but has lost flavor without more emphasis on the numbers.

What is getting harder to do though, as a viewer is to remember that they have only been on the island for 50+ days...not the 2 years it has taken us to get to this point of the storyline. They may not be in purgatory but it is the same concept for the most part. Taking someone who has strayed from their path and misplaced their self-worth and dropping them into a scenario where those beliefs are challenged and forced to the side for the greater good. Bettering the self through an involuntary change in environment. Getting back to the basics, as it were...

-PLEASE don't end every season with a hatch....annoyingly familiar.
-I dont think that it is important to see in flashbacks at the airport our main characters running into each other....i mean come on...of course they would see each other before their flight.
-I want to see conflict of character...not petty "you slept with ana lucia...oh no poor me'
- and where the fuck is the monster? black smoke or whatever the fuck it was..
- i think the numbers RULE...period. Can't get bring them back
- until this last episode i havent got goosebumps since a wet walt was talking backwards (which by the way was AWESOME!) but the writers did a good job this time...

i digress
stop pussyfooting around and bring out the guns every episode...even if they are bb guns versus the bazookas for the finale..

much love
your fan


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