Wednesday, November 14, 2007

48 hours and counting

So yeah, I am off this weekend....FINALLY!

Just in time to get some well deserved and much needed R&R before the holidays. Of which, I am dreading. I don't think that they will be difficult, I have just set a big challenge for myself in trying to bust ass to get a major pay hike and promotion in the early part of next year...Just trying to wrap my head around it...plan for it...

AND...keep sane and continue to do the things I love.

This weekend is going to be wonderful. I don't want it filled with the usual....the cleaning, the laundry, the hangovers. But maybe movies, the park, a museum....other things...things I havent taken full advantage of, or done/seen yet.

I love New York.
FUCK. What a crazy, infuriating, but fantastical city.

Now to finish book #2.
And yes, this book has now upped the bar for everything else.

Damn good.


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