Sunday, November 04, 2007

Day off...#2?

Went out and took some pictures today. Actually took out my telephoto lens. I think I grabbed a few good shots. Gotta pull them off my card to take a peek. Worked a few other shots and uploaded them. YEEEEEEEAH.

It was COLD last night...which was fucking radical in my opinion. I used both of my blankets (not just the fuzzy blue one that has got me through the nights thus far) but the red as well. I slept quite soundly thanks to that cold.

Yesterday was crazy...a madhouse. It was insane at work...we did over $33k in one day. Holy shit. I haven't run around that much in a long LONG time. It felt good, great actually.

Tonight is just a chill night....want to get a bunch of reading done....I have been working so much that I have only been able to read for like a 45 minute slice of time each day. Disappoints me. The book is so good, it deserves a lot more of my time. More of my attention.

Watching a bit of football. About to eat some mac and cheese. Got a juice again today, which RULED. The "Killer" from Liquiteria is fucking AMAZING. Get it HOT with cayenne added in, the most perfect Fall drink to keep you warm for those brisk walks through the city. I love it.

OK. I am off to read, root against the Pats, and then eat some yummies. Perhaps I will get some more writing in... seems to just be falling out of my head lately. Makes sense...helps the days make sense. It has been too long since I wrote regularly. I missed it, I guess. Feels good.

Back later!


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