Thursday, October 25, 2007


My usual regimen consists of:

*2-3 cups of tea (preferably chamomile, meditation, or decaf kombucha green tea)
*1 hour of reading
*20 minutes of yoga
*10 push ups (not the pansy kind either...real, honest, no knees on the floor, "Jesus Christ, my lower fucking back!" pushups)
*washing my face, moisturizing same face
*brushing my teeth, flossing
*washing my hands post floss because floss hands are gross (lavender soap...relaxing)
*drinking 1 tall glass of water

*crawling into bed
*setting my alarm for an ungodly early hour
*elevating my feet for 10-20 minutes (depending on how fucking tired they are)

..and falling deep into the dark of exhaustion.

Tonight, I bypass steps 3-4.
Tonight, I am really tired.
Tonight, I want to dream, not lie stationary in my cycle...

Tonight I want at least 2 cycles.


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