Thursday, October 11, 2007

Book Release Party - doriana.

Last night I had the pleasure of attending such a random party that it took me until today to realize just how awesome it was.

A friend (dj doriana) just published her first book. On the scale of 1-10 on the kick ass meter...she totally is a 10.5 for kicking her own ass into gear and actually DOING the thing she has been wanting to do for a long time!

Everyone got all gussied up and we looked DAMN good I might say.

The performers were fucking RAD-i-CAL.

B-girls, cross dressing dominatrixes, burlesque dancers interpreting stories in doriana's book...? Yeah, it was pretty bad ass. Only in New York. I saw a woman blow up a balloon with her right tit..then twist it into a penis.

I am working on the photos tonight.

Soon to post.
Stay tuned.


Blogger Brooklyn Mateo said...

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12:17 AM  
Blogger Brooklyn said...

I wish I could have gone! My editing has taken all of my non-work time cause I'm on a deadline. But I can't wait to see the pics and read her book!

12:40 AM  

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