Wednesday, March 26, 2008

To read perchance to fall into dreams...

Here I lie.
Shuffling myself into comfort under the blankets, adjusting my pillow just so (to avoid the inevitable neck cramp...still can't figure out exactly what angle I should be reading in bed at, after over 25 years...)

Quiet...the same song playing over and over in my are so far from me, far from me...

I am trying to get into the head space to read. I have been so teeth grindingly busy and tired and stressed out that I haven't been able to pick up a book in a month.

Tsk tsk.

So very unlike me. So, the quiet light, perched high in my bed, I read to travel through time and and space to somewhere else. Somewhere from before, simple and raw and honest. Time was measured not in the craze of the day's spinning but in the feeling of ache in your muscles. Rain was considered friend not foe...lists were for markets, not to monitor your progress throughout your day.

Now I go.


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