Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Guess What? The beginning of something sweet... :)

So I started. Started starting, I mean.

I began the process of creating a online business selling: CARAMELS.

Yummy, sweet, sticky and irresistible caramels.

Stay tuned for more details soon :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I want to start my own business. Really.

So I am going to work hard, straighten up and fly RIGHT. I think that it's completely possible, if I find that one little thing that sets me apart. I have to find something that is different, something fun, something amazing.

I want it to have something to do with food, books, music and entertainment. But it NEEDS to be specific... The cupcake shop, the best record store, the clothing boutique? They are specific and know exactly what they want to provide. I feel like dreams can be so big that they almost never come true because they never get into the specifics. The gritty, ugly details get glossed over, but truly are the only way to achieve the dream itself.

Now to think specifics... :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

tattoo time

ink. yesssssssss finally!
i will be getting a nice flower piece put on my back. kinda big, but very pretty.

one i know i will love

monday is outline time!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I went and had my hair did

So I was fortunate enough to have my friend Jen call me on Monday when her hair model cancelled on her! Yippee! That means kick ass color at a kick ass salon :)

Who is a happy girl? Moi...

I haven't had any pics taken of it yet, but perhaps this will spurn a random self-shoot soon so you can see it. It's been a while since I have had multiple colors in my hair, so it is pretty rad to have streaks and tips and all sorts of crazy shit going on up there!

In honor of this I thought I would remember what it was like to be blonde, which really was only about a year and a half ago, I guess...


Will be printing off 4 scripts for notes on Friday and just finished off two photo projects.

Trying to be productive is harder than anticipated...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

You know...?

I'm going to rail on people who say "you know?" way to fucking much, because... honestly... it is condescending.

I find that when people say the phrase, they expect you to agree with what they just said... which, 99% of the time is not the case.
Example of a recent one I have been subject to:

"So, I just bought the latest MacBook Pro and the guy told me I looked like the white Kanye West, you know? It was awesome"

N please.

It has taken on a life much like the phrases "literally" (which no longer means literally, if you haven't heard) and "word" (which, again does not mean word.)

It is the natural evolution of a language and its words to morph their meaning with the forward march of time... each tick and tock making words like "verily" null and void.... each click of your second hand erasing "forsooth"... but sometimes, enough is enough. And the worst thing about a language changing, is what was once a cool slang used by those "in the know" becomes the tag line for every idiot with a computer to prove they are hip.

Of late, I only hear douche-bags use this phrase. Let me provide an example:

"So I was grinding up on this chick at the club and my belt got caught on her clit ring, right? This shit happens, you know?"

No, man, I don't know.
That is pure bullshit.

Maybe I should change my qualm. Perhaps I should use that phrase as a marker for a sentence filled with nothing but fallacies and flagrant, ego massaging crap.

Hmm. Yes, the phrase is condescending and a tell-tale sign of horse shit.
I rest my case.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

writing and stuff

so I've been writing like a crazy person. Yay!!
So far I have 4 episodes done and ready for edits, and 3 more outlined and a bunch more waiting for creation.
I am very excited, I will say. I know that it will do well... and that is an amazing feeling :)
It is harder than I thought especially as I have never written comedy before (I'm more of an introspective, brain-bender person usually) so it feels good to get it out there in a more brainless capacity... just to let all the craziness spill out without abandon! Very cathartic :)
I am also trying to nail down a date for my next opening...I'm thinking mid to late June... maybe the 22nd? Who knows...

I do know that it will be much MUCH more light-hearted. The winter show was dark and grime-y (which pretty much was the state of our union as well as the winter frame of mind here in NYC. We are bitchy folk during the cold months... must steel ourselves against the cold) so I will be pleased to just brighten the place up for the summer. Florals, macros of weird shit. You know, my style.

I have also recently found myself to be unemployed! Yay! (stay positive, stay positive, stay positive!)

All the more time to be exploring the city, being creative as well as to get my shit back in proper order.


I promised myself to use the blog more. So now, I have all the time in the world (or at least in the summer) to do so!


Oh, and also I will be seeing as many movies as is possible!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

New shit...

So I am taking on new projects lately: photos, writing, reading, exercising? Weird...Not like I don't have enough to occupy my time...but it feels good to really just loose myself in being creative. It's kind of like rediscovering that your emotions can rule your world but be expressed versus being kept in line by routine and policy. Pretty amazing, if I do say so...

The writing project is coming along nicely, although I have been somewhat slacking this last week! Starting Tuesday I go full force...3 new episodes. There, goal set.

Photos, you ask? I just ordered about 20 large scale prints to put together into a new show for the Sake Bar. Time to take down the crusty, grime that is up there...very dark, very street art....time to breathe some life into that place....make it shine.

I am also trying to read, bust out some crossword puzzles every day and get back into doing my weights and shit...gotta strengthen up my core again. I really let my back rule the roost and now I am way outta practice! But I can say I am back up to about 12 real pushups, and feel better about my health.

Keep a lookout for some new stuff from me and friends. I hope to have more details about the photo show and the writing thing soon. Gotta keep the wraps on it, no spoilers, peeps.

Oh, and a reminder: classical piano does rule, douchebags should get shit on and support local artists.