Friday, May 12, 2006

I must be a New Yorker at this point....

Everyday I am astounded at the stupidity of almost everyone who is not from New York who meanders through this city. It is a wonder more tourist pedestrians arent run down by cabs or pummelled by us city dwellers as we make our way to work! Seriously, New Yorkers definately have built in radar or a rear view mirror or something...we instinctually move aside when we sense someone who is walking faster approaching from behind us, we single file most of the time and walk on an appropriate side of the sidewalk...yes, we dash around slow pokes but that is to be expected.. I mean, some people are just in a rush, you know? I just need to ask some questions so bear with me...

WHO stops in the middle of the damn sidewalk to LOOK UP? what kind of person ARE YOU, for god sake?

WHO walks 5 across on a sidewalk that clearly is made with the intent of dual direction traffic? are you MAD?

WHO stops and blocks a corner when the hand started flashing only seconds ago? Lunatics, I tell you, thats who does that... loonies and people with broken hips..

and lastly WHO can't walk and sip coffee at the same time at a normal pace?

People, you need to take some walking lessons ASAP and preferrably BEFORE you make your trip to NYC else you might get cursed at and leave our fair city thinking that all New Yorkers are assholes! (which obviously we aren't, we are just frustrated by your inability to adapt to reality without cars)

Word to the wise: Walk briskly, step to the side, and if you have coffee... tilt it foreward while you walk it wont slosh out of the sippy hole... Basics, true, but it might just save you from a pissed off blond on her way to work on Prince Street one day...



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