Sunday, August 05, 2007

Douchebag CentrALe

Ever get the feeling you are being watched?

No. Not by aliens....or pervs....or even that cute investment banker from across the bar who most DEFINATely will take you home, but will NEVER ever call you again....

But through the shifty eyes of the invading masses due to gentrification?

I never thought that I was part of it. I always thought of myself as one of the "starving artist" types..those who just kind of lucked out with their apartment in such a sweet area who kept it "real" on the reg. and never was part of the problem.

Well this weekend sealed the deal. It freakin' capped it owf.

Choking down my usual fantastic brunch with a gulp which was dwarfed by the "hedge fund" marketing intern bragging about her new apartment in "Stuy town" while she was shamelessly flirting with the white-hatter in back of us about how great it was that he was "working" and how many hours he put in a week....I came to a earth (new york specific) realization:

There are always going to be people surrounding you that douche you out and.... is only a matter of time before they outnumber you and drive you away from what you enjoy.

Before you know it, the ghetto sushi place you once loved and coveted for your very own will be "in" and jersey bitches on their bachelorette party night will be bribing the waiter to move your table so they can all sit close to the BAR where they can watch "that cute little asian old man hack up those fishes and we will guess what kind they are, cuz, well its NEW YORK and its fucking RAD haha haha hahahaha" (suck on a capri 120 for dramatic effect....accent is optional)

I love New York, but dammit....where the hell did all these assholes come from. Maybe I have just hit the 3 year wall. I am almost over Manhattan.

I want my friends. My dog. My apartment. My creativity and my solitude back.

Fuck the posers.
Bring the truth.

Bring also the pirates.


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