Tuesday, June 19, 2007

So, yeah...OUCH

Root canals....lemme tell you, they kinda suck. No matter how many times you think your mom is crazy for telling you to brush your teeth longer....remember this: she is completely sane, and trying to save you from a painful, invasive procedure that is totally avoidable by the mundane task she is advocating (however obsessively.)

Today is day 4 A.R.C. and I finally feel like a human. Having a happy hour beer. Hanging with friends and having a normal conversation. Not feeling like I had to be lying down to make the vomit stay down and the room stop moving. I have had floaters in my eyes. They are still there. Yuck.

I hate not feeling well.

But at least it is slightly better.

Now I can look at my computer, read, watch movies, take a cab, take the train.

So relaxed...I am happy.

Now off to try to enjoy the night, maybe do photos.

yay, I am back!


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