So, yeah...OUCH

Root canals....lemme tell you, they kinda suck. No matter how many times you think your mom is crazy for telling you to brush your teeth longer....remember this: she is completely sane, and trying to save you from a painful, invasive procedure that is totally avoidable by the mundane task she is advocating (however obsessively.)
Today is day 4 A.R.C. and I finally feel like a human. Having a happy hour beer. Hanging with friends and having a normal conversation. Not feeling like I had to be lying down to make the vomit stay down and the room stop moving. I have had floaters in my eyes. They are still there. Yuck.
I hate not feeling well.
But at least it is slightly better.
Now I can look at my computer, read, watch movies, take a cab, take the train.
So relaxed...I am happy.
Now off to try to enjoy the night, maybe do photos.
yay, I am back!
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