Sunday, April 15, 2007

Missing him

Yes I am.....
So missing him.

I am off today and recovering from a very VERY long night of intoxication...and came to the conclusion that I will not be going out anymore for a while! haha! post drunken epiphany that will be forgotten in a day or so..Seriously.

I realized today that I am wasting my time. Filling the void with mindless, repetitive nothingness that is not making me happier, but just distracting my creativity and warping my priorities.

Its time to take back what I love...writing, reading, photography and music. No more empty calories to preoccupy myself.

I need to get back my passion.
I need to remember who I am.
I need to surround myself with like minded people.
I need to fill myself with the right...not the wrong.

I am so excited to do it!
I am working on a project for gifts for our party.
I want it done for when nick comes home.
I also want to make a present for him too.....I can't wait!

I have kinda put the other book project on hold for a bit, since its been a distraction...not serious. I think I will have to talk to Sara about it. Kinda feel bad, but I have to be smart. I have to be healthy. I hope she understands. Maybe it will be infectious and help her get on track as well!

I feel like I am now entering what could be the best part of my life, and I don't want to go into it blind! I want to have a clear head and open eyes!

I am sooooo ready for this!!!!!!... Regaining some balance will be so great :)


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