Sunday, December 31, 2006

happy new year, peoples it is...the end of another 365 day span of events, starting last january 1st. What a year....filled with BS and some pretty cool stuff....some frustrations, and some breakthroughs. Expanding up and out...rapid speeds...scattering the useless and useful bits to the wind, my life was that of star death and life.

Mainly, it is pretty amazing that this will be my third year anniversary in NYC this July. Its wierd to think that I have lived here this long. And to think that I have done it on my own, for the most part. Nick is busy with his music and travelling so much that I have cut away my own little world here in New York;l work, friends, hobbies.... its pretty impressive to me, thinking that I couldnt do anything on my own until I was 17 when I realized 'fuck this can't tell me what to do, I will do it myself' and that has pretty much been my motto ever since.

Its also interesting that I am doing it in a city that was built on that mentality. I am watching the New York PBS documentary and this city is unbelievably resilient and forward thinking....independent and brazen...I LOVE IT.

Met some interesting people this year....reevaluated my definition of friendship and kin.

Learned how much I love photography....expanded my cache of equipment.

Grew as a professional in the retail fashion world here....expanded my income and reputation within my company greatly.

Learned some new facets of my own character....I now understand what it is I need, what it is I want and what it is that I have.

I have gained the ability to read people cut through to the core a bit quicker and get to most base essense.

I have been asked to be more tolerant of characteristics or behaviors...and I have done so surprisingly well.

Quite honestly, I have been fortunate this year...given great friends and interesting stories...and even more interesting pictures.

See you later was swell knowing you...


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Carrie,

I think that it's good to live in New York, or somewhere that you need to work hard to survive, for awhile. Maybe four years or so. It helps a person to focus on what's essential.

But if one stays too long, there is a huge risk of getting too hardened. I remember a friend moving there, and having to change his number to a New York area code, or else people wouldn't answer his calls! Pretty closed, insular thinking.

We live in a materialistic culture. And the NYSE is the world's largest economic engine, so NYC is its financial capital. And the fall out from that impact the media, the arts, etc.

But that is changing as communications improve and the world grows smaller. For instance, with increased frequency, foreign IPOs are going to London or Tokyo instead of the NYSE. And the dollar is no longer the immutable coin of the realm. Things change.

On a personal level, I speculate that if I lived in New York, I would be surrounded by more nice things, but wouldn't have the means to enjoy them as much! And most of those things wouldn't be deeply meaningful anyway.

It's great that you feel more self-sufficient. But, ironically, I think that it's even more important that you have Nick. Please give him a hug for me.

Independence is great, in measured tones. It suits me better than most people.


11:39 PM  
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