Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Yes, the new hair. It is glorious...magnificent...and blonde! It feels good to be sparkly again (even if it means i must product and blowdry and straighten my mane now...) its kind of amazing how just one haircut can give you a new outlook on things. Can't get a cab? FLICK YOUR HAIR and VOILA! screeching of tires and all, cabs appear...its like MAGIC this new hairstyle. Not only good for getting cheap drinks and discounted meal prices, the hair is a great disguise...people don't even recognize me until they get up close then the shouting and yelling and WHOAing...wierd. Wierd but awesome. It might be more maintenance but dammit, it is worth it. Robert Caplee you are a genius and wizard with little scissors....

If anyone in Manhattan needs a haircut, you need to go to BO...the best experience I have had with a stylist and quite possibly the most pampered I have felt EVER...might have been the wine, or the vitamin water, or even the organic trailmix...or maybe the Al Green...

So right...
it was close to perfect.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, haircuts are delicious, as I know from recent experience when I chopped all of mine off. Good times...Sooooo, you need to come see my show! It runs from Sun. Mon. & Tues. Dec. 4th - 19th at the Red Room, and it is HIGH-Larious. Yes, I need my CareBear in the audience. Uh, huh, uh, huh...



2:16 PM  

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