Monday, September 18, 2006

Back in the US of fuckin-A:

We arrived back from Jamaica today. What a great trip we had...tons of fun , tons of laughs and tons of idiots to keep us amused along the way. It was awesome! haahahaha

I kept a daily journal for this trip (even though I was drunk most of the time, I did keep up with it better than I did in Mexico...) so there can be clear documentation of this first vacation of Nick and I....

Firstly, some disclaimers....:

-this was our first REAL vacation together so we kinda winged it and didn't go overboard with events and outtings...
-it was a vacation package we found online....let this be clear...
-it was to a country that isnt known for healthy foods, really....
-rum, rum, redstripe, weed and more rum...with a rum cream floater....
-Jamaica is poverty ridden and very rough (a co-guest at the resort described his cab ride to the golf course as "Picture a 3rd World country"...yes, he was rich and yes, he was German...from the Cayman Islands.... no perspective, but an accurate outsiders view nonetheless...)
-The average annual income of a person in Jamaica is $3500. You read that correctly....$3500.
-The city of Falmouth received running water before New York City.
-The history of this island is incredible! Please do yourself a favor and read up on it.... you will learn so SO much.
-Captain Sticky does not drive a boat.
-Bioluminesent dynoflagellates are frickin RAD...
-Brits can really dance
-you can own a home in Jamaica for less than 30g's
-We should have booked flights with Air Jamaica. American was a let down....huge.

Everything else is more detailed so I will let it all speak for itself....

But I say THANK YOU! WE HAD SO MUCH FUN and our lives are better for it!


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