Saturday, July 01, 2006


OK, so the short of it is....I suck at this blog thing lately! hahaha! I havent really been on a regular time schedule where I can sit and let my brain release everything that it has stored up...and when I remember to sit and write that point, I have so much stored up that I have no idea where even to start! So with that, I make a promise to you: an entry daily (whether it be small or large) and they will not be only rants. I am not the angry New Yorker that the previous posts may make me out to seem....truly I am a passive, diplomatic person who keeps the rants in her head until she about explodes or just simply goes out on a drinking binge and purges said stored up rants...

So promise made.
No flaking.
No hating.

This diary starts today.
This is my life on 7th Street, East Village, New York City, 2006.

You are now in the loop
; )


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