Saturday, June 03, 2006

South of our Border

So I have returned. I would like to think a more relaxed and even-edged person has found her way back to the states from 7 days of tranquility and decadence. I kept a journal while in Mexico so I will enter the days as they happened...long, lazy and languid they were... time flowed like water...drizzling the day away with chelada sol and coladas... spooning the suncreen upon supple new skin recently discovering the equatorial sun... The trip was like a savory dessert...almost too good to be real. I never thought that I could brown to a chocolate colour still... yes, the glow of youth is a perceived notion but when you live in a city, and are a work-a-holic... tan is a state of being that you sort-of give up on...the tones held fast in your memory of when you were 16 and bleaching your hair with lemon juice and giving the sun the middle finger with extra bronzing tan magnification oil on a daily basis in the meager backyard lawnchair you called your summer vacation.

I had no soundtrack for this trip though, which was somewhat disappointing. Perhaps the quiet gave me time to think... to reflect on the things that needed a bit more attention. Regardless, the cheesy 80's pop, latino remixes and Brasiliero were a fantastic backdrop to the trip, sending me back through time to when bonfires and kegs were the norm as well as clearing a path for new visions of a more calm and tranquil future. If only the rest of the world operated as such a pace, eh?

I took approximately 1200 photos...of which I am sorting and post processing now. To be sure, it will take me a few days to even screen them. I will post a few here with my entries, but you can see all that are worthy through the link to my flickr site on the blog page. There I post everything that I am not too embarrassed to show... i let strangers see more through my photos than i do to most friends. At least I often feel that way. But then again, I am a bit odd haha so...I'm probably reading more into it that needed.

So here i sit. I will enter my first day in a moment with some pics... hah
(side note: random is great on itunes, i just went from miles davis to 50cent to the Gipsy Kings and Rick James ahahha interesting, no?)

My comments may be brash at times, and sorry if it seems bitchy...but as someone told me recently...if you are perceptive, you will see things in a totally new light ... while you visit your new land as well as your home when you return..and those words couldn't have proven more true.

Missed my friends here in the states though.
Glad to be home, but now longing for the road to stretch beyond my reach again, and to feel that eager tug of anticipation at the thought of what new things i will encounter when the sun rises again.


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