Friday, May 19, 2006

The way it be, homie..

OK so I was at work today, and had an epiphany: Americans SUCK! Generally speaking, we are ignorant and rediculously over-confident, self-aggrandizing fools. I work in a store where, as unfortunately seperatist as it is, you must be a certain body type to shop in it. We do not make clothing for 'everyone', we are not a one-stop for an entire family, and by all means, we do not proport to provide such to anyone.

Now, up to this point in my life, having worked in retail for many years now, I thought that I had arrived at my ZEN spot: the place in my professional life where I was comfortable and could find a positive perspective in just about any situation. Well, these last 2 weeks have throroughly dragged that theory through the muck. And I will be honest, it has reshaped my outlook on the future of America.

I work in a upper class area. We have a "typical" customer, we have those who desire to be in that group and frequent our shop but are limited in their spending, and then we have our American Tourists.

FUCK! If they don't do their best to ruin it for everyone!

They hate that we don't carry their size (anything over a US 10)
They hate that our logo calls to mind a curse word
They hate that our models in the graphics look 14
They hate that we only let them into the fitting room with only 4 items at a time
They hate that their sister, mother and babystroller cannot all come into the room with them
They hate that our prices are so high
They hate that we don't have a sale going on
They hate that we ask if they need help
They hate that we aren't angry New Yorkers (as they expected)
They really really hate that they were wrong and we don't argue with them
They hate that we don't have a public restroom
They hate that our clothes dont fit them 'right'
They hate that we will jump in to help them get their size (to curb them from throwing things on the floor)

Their only way to handle these offenses: Overdramatic "huffs" and chortles with the rest of their herd.

I have realized that the typical American HATES alot of really REALLY superficial things. And therefore I have begun to hate the typical American.

Call me prejudice, but now when I see someone walk into my store, I can tell within 1 minute if they are an American tourist visiting New York, or from outside the US.

Where do we get off with this sense of entitlement WITHIN OUR OWN COUNTRY? I mean, come on, if you are going to be elitist, at least snub a 3rd world nation or something. Act like you are better than people when you visit Mozambique or something. But I now see that the Americans who buy into this whole lifestyle, are incapable of changing their behavior to fit the situation. They are ignorant regardless of people, place or thing.

These people look down their nose at me like I am the scum of the earth that got stuck to the bottom of their KEDS that they got 75% off at a Target outlet ("Yeah, thats right, Betty! I got them in baby blue too!!! I love a sale!") And they trash my store to show their superiority over someone they think is a loser because they aren't overweight, in a house with 3 kids, a loveless marriage and debt. Because they only 'work in a store...must not have finished school...poor things..."

You know what I say to that?

Get some fucking perspective, Americans.

Lose some weight. Our clothes are designed to fit a body that is shaped like a BODY IS SUPPOSED TO BE SHAPED. Not as a pear, but a body that is healthy. We don't make clothes for unhealthy people, let's get that straight right away.

Respect anyone who offers help to you, who obviously need it. Only a truly defensive person shoves away a helping hand. That, or one who is embarassed or too proud.

Be respectful of another's space. You wouldnt walk into someone's house and trash it. What is so different about someone's shop?

Remember the person serving your food or helping you in the fitting room is a fucking human. No one should talk to people in their place of work or play rudely. Period. It is simply something that I find inexcusable.

Finally, the greatest sign of strength is showing appreciation for others in a sincere manner.

If you will act this way when you are visiting one of the smartest, richest, most vibrant cities in your own country.... is there any reason why the world wouldn't look twice at us when we bat our lashes and say..." Hey there, can we come visit???"


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