Creativity on the move?

I hate being lonely.
Not only do I hate being lonely but I hate going out drinking to fix the lonely thing....makes me feel like a idiot. I should be using my free time more efficiently and treating my body better than beer and wine and spicy mayo (which by the way IS good on anything...even chocolate I have found out.)
So I am back to the photos. Havent been taking as many or working as many as usual. This new position at work has me mentally and physically draining myself everyday. I come home...gimme a tea and some Law and Order with Vince and I am on the couch and asleep before the clock strikes midnight.
Probably not a bad thing. Probably a good thing.
But I have been working on a few pictures today. Trying to get off of my mental 'haunches' and get the juices flowing again. Maybe because I havent been taking photos, I am not wanting to work on them...(them meaning the MILLIONS of untouched files I have housed on my hard drive....millions also meaning roughly 5 thousand.)
So her's an idea....go to my site (LINK ON RIGHT THERE ACE) and use at your discretion. Some of them are a bit = the devil you know...
Now I am off, to dream of sugar plum fairies and white sandy beaches...and water that I can see straight through to the bottom.
Ahh... to sleep perchance to dream...
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