Saturday, September 02, 2006

This is real...this is life..

Today, Hurricane Ernesto reaches the NYC. Its been so windy for the past few days and I hear we are to get pelted with a steady rain for the next 2 or 3 days! Awesome! Thanks mom nature! Just in time for a holiday weekend!

*strained smile*
Here are some things that rule for me right now:
Good news is that I get the best sleep EVER when it rains so... that part rules.
I have a new BED that in inherited from a good friend moving from NYC so.....THAT part rules.
I have new sheets for said bed... and that rules.
I have my wireless router finally set up and working...again, rules.
I have gone to the doctor and my foot is NOT broken...that rules so much I can't even tell you
I get to wear tennis shoes at work til my foot heels? Rules.
Football is about to start and now I can watch it on my REAL BIG couch/futon...RULES.
The loveseat of death was finally thrown out Thursday night. Words cannot epress how much this one rules.
I am basic cleansing for the next week. This will eventually rule. It sucks during haha
I hired another manager at work: rules so much my body shakes....I will work 40 hours soon! YES!
Season 2 of LOST comes out on dvd this tuesday.
Season 3 starts October 4th.
So rad.
and -

Nick will be home soon.
I have to jump in the shower.
Working til 9 tonight then crashing out.
catching up on some sleep to help my body get back on track.

Hope to be escaping NYC soon for a few days.
We shall see.....


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