Thursday, November 23, 2006


gobble gobble mother@&*#^@er! Well, tomorrow is it....Then it will be Black Friday and 5am before I know it! FUCK! Well I have prepped as much at work as I could....drank my way through the last 10 days of stress....and survived...EVEN survived to make the green bean casserole for tomorrow at Warren and Amy's! Holy shit! hahaha

Personally, this will be the first Thanksgiving in a while that I won't get to spend with family of some sort. But I will be spending it with my friends which is just as good. Seems like a good amount of the people in my life are out and about in the world, or just somewhere else stl buddies are all IMing me telling me their midwestern plans....all nice and dandy...for me? TurkeyDAY NYC style.....late night food, wine, cheese, beer football...then something retarded like tapas hahahaha or a knish. ahhhh new york, you are one crazy town.

But anyway....I am tired. Off to bed. Drank enough tea to cleanse an addict today. Nice vegetarian minestrone soup for dinner. Got my fix of Law and brace myself against the cold with my blankets, extra pillows and wait for the alarm to ring.... Listening to some Al Green.... bring on the dawn....

gobble gobble
eats that up
pass out from the tryptophan


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