Saturday, December 09, 2006

Captain's Log, stardate...someshitorother

Yeah, I work right there...on the left. The dead middle of hell during christmas....

1. the Deftones still rock like they have no money to eat so they must play for their is quite impressive

2. Am I the only one who looks behind them on the subway platform as a train is coming because I wonder if a crazy person might be behind me waiting to push me to my death?

3. Why do people talk so loud on their cell phones? GAYYYYYYYYY

4. Are all tourists who visit NYC after Thanksgiving but pre Christmas required to wear red? And a followup question: do they really think they are the ONLY ones to buy those blinking Santa's caps to denote their group if they were to get split up? Jesus....

5. Where does it say that distance makes the heart grow fonder? I will burn that fucking book....

6. Is New York filled with brilliant people because it is "New-fuckin-York"? Is it a migratory pattern for super-smart people that is instinctual?

7. Why can't we be in two places at once? Well, maybe we can, just one is a state of mind and the other is your physical body. Man, perhaps I am multidimensional, because lately I feel everywhere and nowhere at the same time...

8. I think that Sundays should be renamed Football Day in the fall/winter and Lazy Day in the spring/summer, just 'cuz they are...

9. This birthday was a lonely lonely one. But I did get to do alot of thinking...perspective sucks.

10. E Coli in a Taco Bell? NEVER SAW THAT COMING!

11. (yes, mine goes to 11) I will use New Jersey only for their roads. What kind of state doesn't allow you to turn LEFT? EVER! Or pump your own fucking GAS? That is just so WIERD!



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