Thursday, February 01, 2007


yeah, YOU.....

when things change they sure do move fast around here. eh?
I got promoted. The day after the beginning of the new fiscal year.
General Manager of the flagship store here in soho.
needless to say i will be moving stores in less than a week, got a decent pay increase and now get to start from scratch all over again at a new location.

Closer to home, more presige...a good challenge...

Also, I just got my first showing of my photos booked! March 11th-ish at the sake bar...

I have to get my ducks in a fucking row instead of all running around everywhichway!

To those out and about, miss you
to those here within, see you soon
to those who best be back in the near future, what is taking you so long
and to those who i have been neglecting recently, its almost over..i will be back quick fast

In all, my ferris wheel past 48 hours have been interesting, just would like to be sharing this with my inner ring of friends, who lately have been scattering to the far corners of the country/continent/globe...

Hope to be in touch with you all soon!
And yes, Mexico, I am coming for you....sailing lessons,surfing lessons and tequila? I am there!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to get my ducks in a fucking row instead of all running around everywhichway!- I like this line alot!


2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Lookn forward to the opening!

7:57 PM  

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