Saturday, August 11, 2007

Why's the world filled with douchbags?

(I am not saying these innocent drunk people are douches but...I felt the image captured the essence of what I am trying to say....look at the picture as sort of a guideline...or representation. These drunk ass people are probably really really nice, and honest and hard working, but this picture truly makes them look like they are douches..which, as stated previously, they are probably not. Apologies in advance, douchey LOOKING nice people...your picture is just brilliantly douchey and needed to be added for visual aide to this topic)

Seems as if with the weather, they are eager to make their presence felt. Two posts with "douche" in the title in a week. Jesus, either they are breeding, or they have been reprogrammed by some governmental agency to help push the locals out of areas where they want to buy up cheap real-estate and make mad money.

Now, living above a bar can be rather trying, but seriously people....just because you think you belong wherever your money will get you in...doesn't mean that you should GO wherever your money will get you in.

And while I will admit, once the drinks start to flow, even the most quiet person can get raucous.... but sometimes enough is just enough.

Respect leaves...voices get raised...and shit starts.

The shit is going down right now outside...

I hear the mediation...Nick RAN down to make sure that our friend who was working was ok...
I hope everything is fine.

This is just what the bar needs...more people calling the cops for a noise complaint because people have no respect for where they are at, or each other. Just because you CAN drive your car into my neighborhood and floss by getting your waifish girlfriend drunk as fuck and act a big man by talking shit....doesn't mean you SHOULD.

New York is a hell of a town...but really, people....quit harshing my buzz on it.


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