Friday, December 21, 2007

I am WOW.

Totally forgot to pen this:

I am Legend with Will Smith?
Visually orgasmic.

Story? Damn frightening when you live in Manhattan and walk the same deadened streets to work everyday. I crossed Broadway during rush hour and looked up the street at the snarl of cars and trucks and cabs and vans and the only thing that made it different from the shot in the movie was that there were people actually alive inside them as I took in the scene before me. That, and the reason for the congestion was not an attempt to flee an island about to be cut off from the rest of the country because of a horrible virus that will kill all humans.


Ending of the movie was too blockbuster for me. Happy happy, glimmer of hope...big finish that seemed to move too fast to be realistic. The big pic "quick wrap up", so to speak, that detracted from how cool the rest of the movie was.

The bad dudes weren't that scary either. A wee too CGI for my tastes.
HA! "Wee bit" is a funny way to describe something.

Worth $11.75 though. Very cool movie to see on a good screen. Well Worth it.

Anyway, time to eat my damn oatmeal and get ready for work. Despite the time stamp on this blog stating it is 4pm or some shit, it is 6:46am and I have to open my store.


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