Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Not down with the sickness...

Ive been under the weather these last few days. Ick, oh ICK, I say! At least is is a reason to mini cleanse....not go out every night and blow through money like it was a stack of bar naps! I guess I am getting better...just bought some stuff from the phamacy ...night time cold shit. Hope it knows that I respond well to the suckerpunch "please fall asleep with the aide of stuff that makes you drowsy" whiskey, and advil pm hahaha

if I didnt have this COUGH I would be fine! The cough kills doubles me over and makes greenish black goo fly out of my lungs, up my esophagus and out my mouth! Not exactly the image that I like to convey most of the time...

we went to our friend's restaurant opening last night...nice spot...yummy food...comp bevvies. It is so hard to just be a home body in nyc. There is always so much going on! Which makes being sick that much more of a bum out! You get people sending you invites every day of the week to go somewhere new, or to a show or to a party and you must pick and choose your battles, you know? Its almost monotonous. Almost as routine as having nothing to do...having all these things to do thrown at your feet...offerings to your innermost hedonistic desires.

Money? Fast women? Booze? Parties? Music? Mustache rides? Films? Famous people? Drugs? expensive toys? its mind blowing most of the time but by and by, it becomes a blur of sameness..... it is glorious, though! Options are always better than none. Ahhhh this city! Dome of lights and whispers...the darkest recesses of your brain are poked at every day here in New York. You are challenged by every moment, every interaction, every decision. And now the sounds of the city follow me everywhere. stalking me... Visiting my family in the remotest areas in Western Massachusetts, I find myself imagining the sake-steeped frat boys swaggering home singing brazenly or the small asian woman rifling through bags on the curb outside my window searching for recyclables and even the muted honking that I have become accustomed to...i lay waiting for the noises that I have grown to need in order to fall asleep. Instead the fresh silence rings in my ears, keeping me awake until I bury my head under a pillow trying to drown it out.

Well, my Tylenol severe cold nighttime WARMING syrup shit is kicking in... (you can tell its working when I wax all poetic an' shit hahahah)

Off to beddy by with me.
I have dinner tomorrow with my stepdad...he is driving back through the city from visiting his brother in philly so...Early Bird special time with Poppa!

Peace, love and psuedoephedrine!

Monday, January 22, 2007

so sorry so late :(

I sit here, staring at the screen...PISSED the fuck off.

seriously...where is the committment? where is the honesty? Where the FUCK is the love?

These questions I ask of myself...angry and distraught that I have let so many days pass without posting...(not that there is an avid following of my blog, or a following at all...but more of a personal "let down" seeing as how I can dismiss documenting these days that pass with no regard or vengeance.


I wonder why I even have a creative vein.....wonder if it is me just telling me that I am creative and that is why noone understands me. Maybe its because I am just a wierd fucking person. Maybe its because I am just fucking different in a bad way. its not romantic...not mysterious...not intriguing....

just BE


I need to find something.... and at the moment I have no idea what that something is....

I am not your average dis-enchanted youth....much MUCH too old for that shit

I am just dis-"ed" hahahhaha...retarded is more like it...but "dissed" I will take on , I guess

Just needing the slap in the face to wake me up

needing the city to fuck me over
needing the emotion to take ahold
needing the time to make it happen
needing the muse to rattle my bones

i need way to fucking much

what i need to do is figure out why i need yet cannot provide.
