Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Iiiirrrroooonnnnn Miiiiikkkkkeeee TYSON!

adorable and being taught not to nibble ears.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

So, yeah...OUCH

Root canals....lemme tell you, they kinda suck. No matter how many times you think your mom is crazy for telling you to brush your teeth longer....remember this: she is completely sane, and trying to save you from a painful, invasive procedure that is totally avoidable by the mundane task she is advocating (however obsessively.)

Today is day 4 A.R.C. and I finally feel like a human. Having a happy hour beer. Hanging with friends and having a normal conversation. Not feeling like I had to be lying down to make the vomit stay down and the room stop moving. I have had floaters in my eyes. They are still there. Yuck.

I hate not feeling well.

But at least it is slightly better.

Now I can look at my computer, read, watch movies, take a cab, take the train.

So relaxed...I am happy.

Now off to try to enjoy the night, maybe do photos.

yay, I am back!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

...I'll be your DD...Grey Goose is like my Evian!

who is in for a fun night of dancing, drinking, name calling, name dropping and free key bumps?

Ahhhhh if all our lives were like LindsLO (or any of her close friends hahah)

I think we may have taken in a doggie...we are watching him for a little bit with the option to I would think it is a "all signs point to yes" reading on our magic 8 ball.

Ive totally got into post season basketball....LOVE IT! Go 'Bron...I hope the Cavs kick all sorts of ass.

Also still trying to be healthy, eat at home and just slow down the going out and partying (not influenced by the threat of rehab either...)

Tonight I think I will work on some photos and have some drinks at home. As always, lots of gigs for Nick and no end in sight...he is spinning at delancy bar with !!! so maybe I will hit that off, but prolly not...just stay home with Tyson and go to bed early as I need to be at the showroom by 9am.

Back with a better blog entry soon...