Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The return of the rant

It has been a while since I have spat forth some little snippets for the internet. I will be honest it has been a ravaging few weeks. New job....promoted to the flagship store, bosses leaving unexpectedly... turmoil and uncertainty at work have a tendancy to drain you mentally, emotionally and creatively so I apologize. I have been rude and distant. forgive me.

Now that the niceties are out of the fucking way...

My photo opening has been postponed but now I have another fun little 'ole projecto - a book!

Writing and photos, this book will help squelch the need to throw myself into something that I can control while also being creative.

My life for the past month or so has been anything but something that I have been able to control. With work in flux and up in the air, with having the openeing cancelled after it was scheduled, with nick overseas and working so hard that I worry he is slowly beating his own body down...things have been very much outside of conventional controls.

But this book promises to be fun, challenging as well as a means to get my photography out there.


Saturday, February 10, 2007


Today nick got back from a dj gig in boston and then flew out at 1130pm for london.

this makes me sad..
sad and lonely
i had a blast while he was home....we went out, danced, ate amazing vegan cakes and basically would get drunk and get silly on random nights. he also worked on beats, i worked on photos, he landed great gigs for himself and I got promoted. It was a time of relative positivity.

i hate 3 week hiatuses....

til tomorrow....i vow a long, complete evening of advil pm induced sleep.
and for the intelligencia who read my blog....here
yessss.....i have visual aides in my blog

NO not visual aids
as in assistance...to prove a point

this graph pisses me off to some degree....

i want good sleep and from ages 24-70 is probably when we need productive, escapist sleep the most!

8 hours here i come!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

what was that thing

She bent forward,opened up and coughed out the irritant...a persistant thing, it was....rough and bristled. She looked at it, studied it hard to see why it had chosen her throat to catch within...why it had nestled so deeply in her, essentially blocking out her ability to talk, to speak her mind... to even inhale a breath in those moments when she desperately felt the need for oxygen and the air began to taste of shades of pink, then blue, then white...

She leaned in, close to see its depth; its scarred surface covering cleverly the delicate structure within which made it so hard to shake, so hard to remove from herself. Looking close, it made her smile, as she knew that if it was watching her, it must be taking pleasure in the interest she was showing it... the control that it seemed to hold over her, even now that it was free from her and she from it. She would bet money that it was smiling right back at her this very moment, and if it had ears that could comprehend what it was hearing from her mind, that they would be ringing.

But, what was that? A glint of light within its sharp and metallic frame? A moment of weakness...an opening? A second of truth of self? The lure cast was that of curiosity and she bit hard.

She leaned closer still... it became beautiful...intoxicatingly strange yet familiar, this thing that she had carried with her for so long. Mostly unseen and nearly unfelt...it suddenly became lovely and missed.

The shine almost transformed the shards on the surface that kept it protected yet still lodged within her to that of brilliant and luminous life...moving and non-static, mellifluous and flowing and quite unique.

The shine warmed her and made her catch her breath again, the air tasting now of honey and magnolia.

And it was gone...gone again...along with her words, her voice and her throat again felt bumpy yet strangely satisfied.

-excerpt from recent ramblings in my journal....

Thursday, February 01, 2007


yeah, YOU.....

when things change they sure do move fast around here. eh?
I got promoted. The day after the beginning of the new fiscal year.
General Manager of the flagship store here in soho.
needless to say i will be moving stores in less than a week, got a decent pay increase and now get to start from scratch all over again at a new location.

Closer to home, more presige...a good challenge...

Also, I just got my first showing of my photos booked! March 11th-ish at the sake bar...

I have to get my ducks in a fucking row instead of all running around everywhichway!

To those out and about, miss you
to those here within, see you soon
to those who best be back in the near future, what is taking you so long
and to those who i have been neglecting recently, its almost over..i will be back quick fast

In all, my ferris wheel past 48 hours have been interesting, just would like to be sharing this with my inner ring of friends, who lately have been scattering to the far corners of the country/continent/globe...

Hope to be in touch with you all soon!
And yes, Mexico, I am coming for you....sailing lessons,surfing lessons and tequila? I am there!