Saturday, December 01, 2007

Wiser? Wiser.

Sooooo....last night was a blast. Yesterday in general was pretty good. I worked on photos for about 4 hours, met up with Houston and Paula for a glass of wine, ate some food (not really enough to soak up the beers I had though...not too smart for being a smart girl) and then went to B-Side to take pics for Apocalyptico for Jenna and Sara.

So check, check and check. Accomplished.

I was the jubilant host-ish person. Smiled, grinned and bore it, I would say...the night was quite entertaining. A few curveballs, but overall a good one. Never give a drunk friend your camera...they take pictures of you that are not good.

Sara didn't seem her usual self...which is strange for she usually loves these nights and she certainly made more money because there was a bigger turnout than most months. Jenna was in the spirit and well, the girls came looking damn hot so the boys who came...most certainly feasted their eyes.

It was good.
Today was a struggle as I was tired from being out late and drinking probably 2 too many beers. Why I drink that shit I don't know.

Been writing more. Which has given me happiness. It's a wonderful feeling to be inspired to create. I have been ravaged by the need lately. Bent on being fluid with my words...graceful with my has made my time away from work meaningful again. Instead of running away to escape the day, I run towards the night to immerse into my imagination and regain some semblance of right or truth or beauty.

Weekend of work ahead of me. As per usual. Monday's my b-day and I need to find a new different restaurant to go to with Nick. Hmm...

Party on Wednesday...Yippee! Off on Thursday...a necessity.

I think I want to find a way to get a studio space..Hmm...

Off to bed to read and sleep...dream of the country, fireplaces, snow and maybe something more.

Eh, I still need that new alarm clock, dammit.


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