Monday, December 31, 2007

The night before the night before-

'Twas the night before...well, you know where this is going.

I worked a bunch today. So tired. Was a bit hungover considering last night was the first night I have drank since before the 23rd.

Went to Satsko for some food after I got home from the "fields", glass of wine ..

Was going to go to BSide for a sing-fest...but never really heard back from anyone over there so I am going to hit the sack.

I really want to have a good day and eve I will rest.

Pictures. I am going to send out a group of photos to be printed tomorrow! JOY!

Also, I want to do laundry and clean this sty of an apartment so I don't feel like such a loser....I just don't feel right when the place is all a-shambles... like my home reflects my state of mind and that is just plain disturbing if one was to glimpse the chaos in this place right now.

Chatted with Jenny tonight for a bit...miss her...need to hang more and do more girly things with her. We had a good talk about the idiots that the people who surround us have become....or always were and we just woke up to it.

I think I woke up about a year ago to that fact, but she just opened her eyes and now can see it. Oldest kids at the college party...that's what we are.

Bed it is.
Bed for me.
Nighty nighty...will be back soon
fuck... working sucks sometimes...ha!


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