Saturday, August 25, 2007

Beckham, watch OUT. L.A. will be my bitch...

So Monday I fly out to LA. Yeehaw. Not that LA is the best place in the world or anything...just i will be in Santa Monica, in a dope hotel, on the beach, FOR FREE.

Granted, I will have to do work. This is a work related trip. But they wine and they dine and they pay for our hotel and I should just go with it and love it for what it is...a good break from the grind of NYC and a break from this god awful humid heat on the east coast!

Im staying at the Viceroy and i think it will be a good conference. I like a lot of the managers and I like the Pres and the VP.

The only thing that sucks about this is that Nick leaves the day I return. He leaves for a month and a half. Sucky.

Ick Ick sucky.

I am a freshly dyed dark brunette, slightly tan, with a new black bikini.

I will attempt to take LA with a grain of salt, a vegan meal and a pom martini.

Friday, August 17, 2007


This is it.

Thats right. I think we have figured it all out and maybe started to plan when we...

*clears throat*
Make this shit official.

More details to come.
Lots of craziness in our world lately
Might move
might get to keep the dog

Give it a few more days...then I will get back to Y'all...
Think I should consider this dress design?

A bit bougie huh, ya''ll

Hot ass shit. Looks kind of like its made out of cotton candy...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Why's the world filled with douchbags?

(I am not saying these innocent drunk people are douches but...I felt the image captured the essence of what I am trying to say....look at the picture as sort of a guideline...or representation. These drunk ass people are probably really really nice, and honest and hard working, but this picture truly makes them look like they are douches..which, as stated previously, they are probably not. Apologies in advance, douchey LOOKING nice people...your picture is just brilliantly douchey and needed to be added for visual aide to this topic)

Seems as if with the weather, they are eager to make their presence felt. Two posts with "douche" in the title in a week. Jesus, either they are breeding, or they have been reprogrammed by some governmental agency to help push the locals out of areas where they want to buy up cheap real-estate and make mad money.

Now, living above a bar can be rather trying, but seriously people....just because you think you belong wherever your money will get you in...doesn't mean that you should GO wherever your money will get you in.

And while I will admit, once the drinks start to flow, even the most quiet person can get raucous.... but sometimes enough is just enough.

Respect leaves...voices get raised...and shit starts.

The shit is going down right now outside...

I hear the mediation...Nick RAN down to make sure that our friend who was working was ok...
I hope everything is fine.

This is just what the bar needs...more people calling the cops for a noise complaint because people have no respect for where they are at, or each other. Just because you CAN drive your car into my neighborhood and floss by getting your waifish girlfriend drunk as fuck and act a big man by talking shit....doesn't mean you SHOULD.

New York is a hell of a town...but really, people....quit harshing my buzz on it.

Friday, August 10, 2007

10000 people can't be wrong - daft punk are robots

They could be 88, ugly as hell and scarred over 99% of their body and I wouldnt care if they were propped up in that damn pyramid just pushing 3 buttons.

Last night's show in Coney Island was one of the BEST fucking shows I have ever seen. Right behind Radiohead, actually. I think in all honesty that it was the second best show I have ever seen (but Radiohead is like a totally different vibe so they could be tied, but just different genres)


My brain still hurts. How are they so good?
When they decided to buy gear, were sitting around a basement fucking around with sounds, do you think they knew that in 15 years the world would WORSHIP the music that they made? that people would just go apeSHIT as soon as one sound, one NOTE of a song came on?

They are not human. They just can't be.

i mean...WOW.
It was fantastic.

I had such a great time, spent it hugging and dancing with nick...hung out all night...went and partied when we got back to the city. We went with some of our closest friends here in the 'nyc' and it was such a great experience.

I just want it to happen again.
it was over too soon.

*slaps forehead*

Last night two robots saved 10000 people from a shitty Thursday night and might have just restarted a few of their engines.

Thank you, French dudes who have names, but we dont really know if it was even you back there. THANKS. *slaps forehead*

I want glowy outfits with my name on the back. It adds so much validity to the statement "yes, we are the shit...bow down" which is so apparent in the fact EVERY damn song these dudes make is a freakin' HIT!

Thanks. cheap a flight is it to get to where they play next??????

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Douchebag CentrALe

Ever get the feeling you are being watched?

No. Not by aliens....or pervs....or even that cute investment banker from across the bar who most DEFINATely will take you home, but will NEVER ever call you again....

But through the shifty eyes of the invading masses due to gentrification?

I never thought that I was part of it. I always thought of myself as one of the "starving artist" types..those who just kind of lucked out with their apartment in such a sweet area who kept it "real" on the reg. and never was part of the problem.

Well this weekend sealed the deal. It freakin' capped it owf.

Choking down my usual fantastic brunch with a gulp which was dwarfed by the "hedge fund" marketing intern bragging about her new apartment in "Stuy town" while she was shamelessly flirting with the white-hatter in back of us about how great it was that he was "working" and how many hours he put in a week....I came to a earth (new york specific) realization:

There are always going to be people surrounding you that douche you out and.... is only a matter of time before they outnumber you and drive you away from what you enjoy.

Before you know it, the ghetto sushi place you once loved and coveted for your very own will be "in" and jersey bitches on their bachelorette party night will be bribing the waiter to move your table so they can all sit close to the BAR where they can watch "that cute little asian old man hack up those fishes and we will guess what kind they are, cuz, well its NEW YORK and its fucking RAD haha haha hahahaha" (suck on a capri 120 for dramatic effect....accent is optional)

I love New York, but dammit....where the hell did all these assholes come from. Maybe I have just hit the 3 year wall. I am almost over Manhattan.

I want my friends. My dog. My apartment. My creativity and my solitude back.

Fuck the posers.
Bring the truth.

Bring also the pirates.

Friday, August 03, 2007


I don't know how to say "you're fired" in French, but I am sure it will be followed by a "MOTHERFUCKER!"

Cuize? Threw down good
Hypeman? An exact replica of our friend Skinny.
DJ? Trainwreck.
Orgasmic must be French for "an awkward transition after trying to bump and grind to two different beats"

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Um, Frenchie?


Oh yes.....
free shows @ Hiro on Thursday makes me love New York. Lately I've been over it....but Cuize? He might just make me love it for the night...