Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Oh, what big eyes you have...

...the meaning of which is two-fold at the moment.

Currently, I sit on the couch watching a movie, sipping a glass of white wine, STUFFED to the gills. If I had buttons on these pajama bottoms I would undo them. Wonton Garden,Chinatown, NYC - you are an evil lair of gluttony.

Also randomly referencing Little Red Riding Hood's nemesis which is very obscurely relevant...(insert witty comment here...>)__________.

I am off tomorrow, must go to another store to support a manager for a little bit around noon-ish, but other than that...perhaps haircut...perhaps museum, perhaps LOST premiere episode at Professor Thom's...and definately Apocalyptico at about 10-11ishhhhhh. See how many friends I can document getting wasted this month. Yeeeowza. HA.

Going to read a bit and hit the damn sack.
Top off the glass...ensure quick slumber..rapid entry into sleep cycle. Falling falling falling into it, studying how it tears into me.
Again, will I dream? Can I work it out in the dark? Mathematics, chemistry...the creation of worlds, universes.
Pretty pretty things that shine. Like the universe though, light can be deceiving ...rushing towards it is when you realize it might be farther away than you thought.


OK. Time for bed, freak. Enough rambling for this evening. *grin*


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