Friday, February 22, 2008

Solidified precipitation

Yippee for snow! If I was in school I would fake a cough and a tummy ache and then go out and play in the park! It is so damn pretty...falling through the space between my building and the next, juxtaposed against the brick...fluffy white feathers drifting downward. This is pretty snow.

Its accumulating too...must check to see how much we should expect here in the city....I trudge trough to walk to work...

Today I meet up with some old work buddies and check out where they work now. Might be fun. Then work...then straight to the MWC show at Blender theater, then afterparty. This fucking week, I tell you....I can't do week's like this much longer. My body hates me.

Off to to see what I am up against today.


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