Friday, July 14, 2006

WOW am I surrounded by retards...

MOST OF THE TIME! I just realized this between dinner last night and dinner today!

It is just mind blowing, isn't it? Where the hell do these people come from? Who raised them? and good lord, how do they survive?

Fucked if I know.
(let me just preface that none, i repeat NONE of these people were me...)

Who smudges ashes on a stranger's face in a bar for laughs? Idiots...
Who keeps their sunglasses on when talking to their boss? Stupid people....
Who gets plastered the moment they arrive at a company function? the "Special" ones...
Who pounds 4 martinis, gets another drink at dinner then starts her own bartab at a business dinner..all while sitting next to her boss and invading all his private space? yeah, you guessed it...A RETARD with no social or professional skills..

I just don't get they make it through their days without spontaneously combusting or walking into traffic...

So wierd..
Wasn't natural selection supposed to take care of this very situation, right?

Fucked if I know...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Random thoughts of the day

Do you own the name or does it own you?
So, as I am sitting here doing my nails, trying to find a moment of zen while the bar-goers outside my window shout obscenities at one another in some form of drunken-irish/israeli/chicago-ese...a start thinking about what is in a name.

Hmm. Why is it that every Tracy I know has the same personality? Same thing with every Matt. And then I started going down the list of names thinking how many attributes that correspond with a name, MATCH the person I know with that name.

Tiffany - stripper.
Charles - geeky douchebag know-it-all
Heather - don't even get me started with her....
Steve - yeah, you know Steve. Everybody likes him, but no one really knows him. He is kinda a shows when he drinks.

Then there are the ones who seem to break out of the mold and make you question the name, it is usually only one person in your life who does this though (i know one name that has two exceptions but that is SO rare let me tell you)

So what happens when we give a child their name? Are we dooming them to a lifestyle and personality that is predetermined? Will all Tiffany's be either a stripper or a debutant? Is there some kind of fucked up cosmic mojo that surrounds these names..a collective of the past lives of people who have had it and perpetuate the trend by taking over the newly christened child's psyche? that would be fucked up!

Just something I was thinking about ...
Nails are dry.


They suck
They make the street smell like a dirty golf club's kitchen drain.

; )

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Settling into it-

Today was my second day at my new store. It is proving to be more challenging that I thought originally. I am not used to the traffic patterns which vary immensely from my old store in SOHO. Working at a mid-town location makes me realize how special SOHO really is....or just all of lower Manhattan for that part. Midtown is like...if you work in Midtown, you shop on your way to work, during lunch and on your way home. After 5 the store is a ghost town. Yes, tumbleweeds! But from 10-2 it is packed with bored corporate workers killing time or looking for a reason to take a slightly longer than one hour lunch break.

I have two new co-managers that I am training, and with it being a holiday week, i regret that they are learning more on the fly than within the framework of an actual training regimen. My staff is also 75% brand new to the company as of this week so they are working and learning as they go. I am sure everyone is fine, but I was hoping not to do to my new team as has always been done to me when I have started with a new retail organization - being thrown to the wolves and hoping that they can handle the chaos of the fight!

I work 8 days in a row this week - HELL.

I may not be going to Arizona for the Managers Conference and Retreat as I don't this it wise for the business since I will be leaaving it to a completely new person to run who has less than 1 week's experience with the company.

But even if I don't go to the conference, its no big whoop...That means I can take my days off when Nick comes back from the UK and we will get to spend more than 12 hours together ha! That would rule rule rule!

Back in a bit.
Bed and banging calls....

Oh yeah, no fireworks this year....Nick and I decided that we were punk rock and resisted the urge of millions of other New Yorkers to climb to their roofs and watch the fireworks. Fuck Independence. We aren't so independent anyway... starbucks has most of us by the balls..

; 0 )

Saturday, July 01, 2006


OK, so the short of it is....I suck at this blog thing lately! hahaha! I havent really been on a regular time schedule where I can sit and let my brain release everything that it has stored up...and when I remember to sit and write that point, I have so much stored up that I have no idea where even to start! So with that, I make a promise to you: an entry daily (whether it be small or large) and they will not be only rants. I am not the angry New Yorker that the previous posts may make me out to seem....truly I am a passive, diplomatic person who keeps the rants in her head until she about explodes or just simply goes out on a drinking binge and purges said stored up rants...

So promise made.
No flaking.
No hating.

This diary starts today.
This is my life on 7th Street, East Village, New York City, 2006.

You are now in the loop
; )