Monday, September 18, 2006

Back in the US of fuckin-A:

We arrived back from Jamaica today. What a great trip we had...tons of fun , tons of laughs and tons of idiots to keep us amused along the way. It was awesome! haahahaha

I kept a daily journal for this trip (even though I was drunk most of the time, I did keep up with it better than I did in Mexico...) so there can be clear documentation of this first vacation of Nick and I....

Firstly, some disclaimers....:

-this was our first REAL vacation together so we kinda winged it and didn't go overboard with events and outtings...
-it was a vacation package we found online....let this be clear...
-it was to a country that isnt known for healthy foods, really....
-rum, rum, redstripe, weed and more rum...with a rum cream floater....
-Jamaica is poverty ridden and very rough (a co-guest at the resort described his cab ride to the golf course as "Picture a 3rd World country"...yes, he was rich and yes, he was German...from the Cayman Islands.... no perspective, but an accurate outsiders view nonetheless...)
-The average annual income of a person in Jamaica is $3500. You read that correctly....$3500.
-The city of Falmouth received running water before New York City.
-The history of this island is incredible! Please do yourself a favor and read up on it.... you will learn so SO much.
-Captain Sticky does not drive a boat.
-Bioluminesent dynoflagellates are frickin RAD...
-Brits can really dance
-you can own a home in Jamaica for less than 30g's
-We should have booked flights with Air Jamaica. American was a let down....huge.

Everything else is more detailed so I will let it all speak for itself....

But I say THANK YOU! WE HAD SO MUCH FUN and our lives are better for it!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Bring on the RedStripe!

tiny picture..... big fun

Tomorrow Nick and I fly out for our vacation! I can't believe that we have never done anything like this before now.....Strange huh? Workaholics we are....well there is a first time for everything. First "real" vacation together...out of the country together, on a tropical beach together....WOW so stoked!

I will probably come back a pot smoking dub-head but I guess things could be worse, right? I could be addicted to crack...or have extensions or something...

I am so ready for some time off, too.... Work has been tiring (as per the norm) but we are finally coming over the hump of craziness that has been the past 2 weeks. We are organizing better, focusing on meeting our goals better and coaching our team' money MO MONEY-

We are trying to figure out where else we can go on the island for fun...Montego Bay is tourist hell but we will see if there is some dope shit.....Kingston is where we wanna go to just peep it out and hear some real dubtronics but we would have a long long travel to get there and would have to know exactly where to go since it is pretty crazy in some areas....we whitey's you know....we gets good money on the black market....I KID! I KID! to read more in my Lonely Planet book....

Flight at 7 AM
on the beach by 4pm.
Praise Jesus for paid vacations....

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

ire, mon


...4 nights week?

Bring the fuckin' ruckus, mon.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Creativity on the move?

I hate being lonely.

Not only do I hate being lonely but I hate going out drinking to fix the lonely thing....makes me feel like a idiot. I should be using my free time more efficiently and treating my body better than beer and wine and spicy mayo (which by the way IS good on anything...even chocolate I have found out.)

So I am back to the photos. Havent been taking as many or working as many as usual. This new position at work has me mentally and physically draining myself everyday. I come home...gimme a tea and some Law and Order with Vince and I am on the couch and asleep before the clock strikes midnight.

Probably not a bad thing. Probably a good thing.

But I have been working on a few pictures today. Trying to get off of my mental 'haunches' and get the juices flowing again. Maybe because I havent been taking photos, I am not wanting to work on them...(them meaning the MILLIONS of untouched files I have housed on my hard drive....millions also meaning roughly 5 thousand.)

So her's an idea....go to my site (LINK ON RIGHT THERE ACE) and use at your discretion. Some of them are a bit = the devil you know...

Now I am off, to dream of sugar plum fairies and white sandy beaches...and water that I can see straight through to the bottom.

Ahh... to sleep perchance to dream...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

This is real...this is life..

Today, Hurricane Ernesto reaches the NYC. Its been so windy for the past few days and I hear we are to get pelted with a steady rain for the next 2 or 3 days! Awesome! Thanks mom nature! Just in time for a holiday weekend!

*strained smile*
Here are some things that rule for me right now:
Good news is that I get the best sleep EVER when it rains so... that part rules.
I have a new BED that in inherited from a good friend moving from NYC so.....THAT part rules.
I have new sheets for said bed... and that rules.
I have my wireless router finally set up and working...again, rules.
I have gone to the doctor and my foot is NOT broken...that rules so much I can't even tell you
I get to wear tennis shoes at work til my foot heels? Rules.
Football is about to start and now I can watch it on my REAL BIG couch/futon...RULES.
The loveseat of death was finally thrown out Thursday night. Words cannot epress how much this one rules.
I am basic cleansing for the next week. This will eventually rule. It sucks during haha
I hired another manager at work: rules so much my body shakes....I will work 40 hours soon! YES!
Season 2 of LOST comes out on dvd this tuesday.
Season 3 starts October 4th.
So rad.
and -

Nick will be home soon.
I have to jump in the shower.
Working til 9 tonight then crashing out.
catching up on some sleep to help my body get back on track.

Hope to be escaping NYC soon for a few days.
We shall see.....