Sunday, December 31, 2006

happy new year, peoples it is...the end of another 365 day span of events, starting last january 1st. What a year....filled with BS and some pretty cool stuff....some frustrations, and some breakthroughs. Expanding up and out...rapid speeds...scattering the useless and useful bits to the wind, my life was that of star death and life.

Mainly, it is pretty amazing that this will be my third year anniversary in NYC this July. Its wierd to think that I have lived here this long. And to think that I have done it on my own, for the most part. Nick is busy with his music and travelling so much that I have cut away my own little world here in New York;l work, friends, hobbies.... its pretty impressive to me, thinking that I couldnt do anything on my own until I was 17 when I realized 'fuck this can't tell me what to do, I will do it myself' and that has pretty much been my motto ever since.

Its also interesting that I am doing it in a city that was built on that mentality. I am watching the New York PBS documentary and this city is unbelievably resilient and forward thinking....independent and brazen...I LOVE IT.

Met some interesting people this year....reevaluated my definition of friendship and kin.

Learned how much I love photography....expanded my cache of equipment.

Grew as a professional in the retail fashion world here....expanded my income and reputation within my company greatly.

Learned some new facets of my own character....I now understand what it is I need, what it is I want and what it is that I have.

I have gained the ability to read people cut through to the core a bit quicker and get to most base essense.

I have been asked to be more tolerant of characteristics or behaviors...and I have done so surprisingly well.

Quite honestly, I have been fortunate this year...given great friends and interesting stories...and even more interesting pictures.

See you later was swell knowing you...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The day after..the day after

Well, I have survived the holiday season....with the help of several items that I will now list:
1. Airborne...
2. Amstel Light
3.Sara at B-Side and her lovely "friend" discount on my tabs...
4. a good bed
5. Netflix
6.Pinot grigio
7. Kimchi dumplings
8. Ramen noodles with carrots, peas, corn and mushrooms added
9. soy lattes from 9th Street espresso...
10. the dream of normalcy not being too far off...

without the above, I would have cracked for sure....thank you, above items/ made me a complete person who could have a conversation with tourists for the past 2.5 weeks without smacking them in the face, or screaming at their idiotic behaviors while at work. GRA-SI-ASSS

Now, on a more personal note, Nick is home and we can hang....nice nice... still a few people I feel I haven't seen in a while or spent any time with....

Still have to give out a few presents....

still have to use 6 paid days off before the end of February....
where to go where to go....

...this looks inviting, EH?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

wow...that JUST happened!

ok...I just bought Talladega know the scene where Will Farrell's like "THAT just happened!!!" after a shake and bake episode?
Well that happened tonight!
I was at Jenny;s bar, with Troy and there was this brother who was all up on his girlfriend, a skankily clad chick (to be nice) and truthfully she was sitting on a barstool and he had her skirt up around her tits the whole time! Talk about PDA!

And she was loving it.....

Am I just old? Have I lost the part of the human sexual drive that makes that "ALRIGHT?"

What the was like watching soft a fucking pub...a WELL LIT pub to be blunt...not a dark, dreary, seedy joint...a fucking SPORTS bar...with lots of budweieser neons and the like...

fucked up,

Also had a great discussion about how base the majority of the populace is....heightened awareness is so shunned in our world.,...people who are tuned in to the more delicate parts of the universe are alienated...

so what that some people can sense what is going on what if you can perceive "spirits":...

god, we are narrow minded, all-too-governed people....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


So, Jewel.....
no...I am just reminiscing about olden times.....back in the "day" so to speak....when hardcore and metal didn't involve dj's and programmers.
I just read an article from a friend in st louis ( HERE ) about a dude that I knew a bit...not well, but who I knew alot about through other friends and his music...his exploits from tour and from the random phone calls that I would receive from Nick when he was out drinking with Lynn and his band.
WOW...I can't believe that it has been 8 years since Lynn was killed...time does roll onward, and sometimes you forget moments that make you stop and reflect.

While Lynn didn't truly change my life, his music gave me much pleasure and I used to love, and I mean fucking LOVE going to see them live. WHAT A FUCKING SHOW....adrenaline, booze and much fun.

I think the first time I ever saw them play was opening for Coal Chamber. I was like WHO the FUCK are these insane dudes just going apeshit on stage and ripping my face off?!?! I think I have video of them somewhere in storage in stl...and I have some badass pics...great shows, my god...

I remember the last time I saw Snot play, it was Lynn's birthday and the whole tour attacked him onstage with silly string and made him drink shots on the spot. Fucking unreal....I drove down to see them a little bit later with Soulfly and hed(pe) and they cancelled...I was so bummmed out! And then Nick called me not long after that to tell me Lynn was killed in a multi-car pile up in Cali with his dog, Dobbs. I was hanging with another st louis friend at my house in Massachusetts when I got the call.

For a band and group of musicians that the majority of the world knew little about, I feel pretty lucky to have stumbled upon them at a show in Northampton, Massachusetts, and through random coincidence, ended up having Lynn and the band play a significant role in Nick's life and in that respect, my own. Even now we still keep in random contact with the other members of the Snot and their new bands (at least until Nick went away on tour 10 months out of the damn year! ) We named our dog in Dobb's (the original's ) honor...

Live on, memory of a bad ass man, with so much more personality and heart than most assumed he had. In fact he had it in abundance and changed the lives of MANY people in my life and made them confident and self assured in themselves and their passion for music.

RIP lynn strait.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Captain's Log, stardate...someshitorother

Yeah, I work right there...on the left. The dead middle of hell during christmas....

1. the Deftones still rock like they have no money to eat so they must play for their is quite impressive

2. Am I the only one who looks behind them on the subway platform as a train is coming because I wonder if a crazy person might be behind me waiting to push me to my death?

3. Why do people talk so loud on their cell phones? GAYYYYYYYYY

4. Are all tourists who visit NYC after Thanksgiving but pre Christmas required to wear red? And a followup question: do they really think they are the ONLY ones to buy those blinking Santa's caps to denote their group if they were to get split up? Jesus....

5. Where does it say that distance makes the heart grow fonder? I will burn that fucking book....

6. Is New York filled with brilliant people because it is "New-fuckin-York"? Is it a migratory pattern for super-smart people that is instinctual?

7. Why can't we be in two places at once? Well, maybe we can, just one is a state of mind and the other is your physical body. Man, perhaps I am multidimensional, because lately I feel everywhere and nowhere at the same time...

8. I think that Sundays should be renamed Football Day in the fall/winter and Lazy Day in the spring/summer, just 'cuz they are...

9. This birthday was a lonely lonely one. But I did get to do alot of thinking...perspective sucks.

10. E Coli in a Taco Bell? NEVER SAW THAT COMING!

11. (yes, mine goes to 11) I will use New Jersey only for their roads. What kind of state doesn't allow you to turn LEFT? EVER! Or pump your own fucking GAS? That is just so WIERD!


Friday, December 01, 2006

68 and sunny

december fucking 1st?

what the hell.
i want snow for my damn birthday...
if I had to waddle around in snowsuits and shove carrots in snowmen's faces at my parties when I was a kid, i want white precipitation falling by my birthday when I am older! Shooooot-

Global warming = bullshit....... MY ASS!

I used to have to shovel FEET of snow as chores when I was a miniscule accumulations and snow blowers take the brutal lessons away from our nations youth.

fuck this

greenhouse gases and toxic emissions you are killing the winter months and robbing us of their splendor.

'nuff said-