Monday, September 17, 2007


So tonight, I think I can now say that I am a real New Yorker.

I went out for a walk before bed tonight (as it is freakin beautiful weather this time of year...60 degrees = bliss in my honest opinion) and I was told that I couldn't walk down 12th street because (and I quote) "you caaan't walk down theyah...some people got shot"

Some people?
There were tons of cops but no lights, so they must have been investigating. No idea if anyone died or what the reasons were...but- and 12th street is like, 5 fucking blocks from my crib - I kind of just went "oh, big...have a nice night"



I mean, as my friend Gabe put was probably just some hipsters arguing over some skinny jeans and they had had one too many PBRs.

But in retrospect, I think that made me a New Yorker. That something of that magnitude was just...expected/usual/no big deal.

I sincerely hope that no one was severely injured.
And I hope that they incarcerate whoever committed the act.
(necessary disclaimers to state so I don't feel like such a horrible human being)


Reality Check is Monday morning...and now I have to go to work.

just thought I would share this moment of anguish with everyone.

I'm about to do this:

So I can get this:

But basically I want to be doing this:

Enjoy your Monday, however you spend it!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sailing on the Hudson

I went for a great, random outing today. Rather than sit my ass down in the same booth having the same brunch meal around the same time...

I WENT SAILING! was beautiful...a bit choppy at the beginning but other than that it was fantastic once we got outside the main shipping/water taxi/ferry lanes on the river....

Made me want a boat - BAD!

But yea, I was a bit worried I would be sea sick ...but really, it wasn't that bad. I had the willies in my belly for about the first 15 minutes...I really just wanted it to be mellow...but the endless booze and multiple birthdays made it a bit rowdy...but good..really, really good.

It was very relaxing for the most part. I never spend time on the west side of Manhattan. Strange that I have lived here for 3 years and never been on a cruise around the west or east side of the island! It was a very humbling and exciting experience. Seeing the skyline so close to you (not like when you are on the BQE or the NJ turnpike) is breathtaking!

The sun was stubborn. Hmrph. It eventually came back out though...chilly air, but with the sun on you, the weather was perfect. Crisp fall day, champagne and friends on the water...random, but so welcome!

I am off to work on some of the pictures I took.
You can see them at my flickr site linked on the side of the blog.

Peep. Let me know what you think!

I highly recommend the experience to anyone who isn't afraid of was so worth it. I want to go again...was a nice return to nature (in the middle of the big city) and made me miss being outdoors. Us New Yorkers spend so much time inside, and think of outside as our mode of getting to and from appointments, that we often forget just how easy it is to relax when the sun is on you, the air is reasonably clear...and you willingly forget the craziness you left on land.


Looks good, right?

Friday, September 14, 2007

!@$k-ing BUNNIES

OK I just frickin' love this shizzzz....
This makes me smile and realize that some other people in the world think in terms of musical production numbers!

Congrats to Warren and Amy!!!!

Longtime friend Warren swapped vows with his love, Amy at the NYC Courthouse yesterday!

I can't tell you how much fun it was to see them last was a proper party and crazy, but lovely at the same time! is a great video that i stumbled across.
if you are a buffy geek like me you will totally get off on this HA.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sicky Sickface....oh yeah, and I dont feel good either

I wont even go into how many ways of wrong Britney's routine was on Sunday, but wow, did y'all see how upset or hungover she was leaving Vegas to head back to Cali? All the signs of reality punching you in the face, I guess...

See most normal people call that a "post bender depression". We wake up, immediately proclaim that we will never EVER party that hard EVER again, and work our ass of over the next few hours calling everyone we pissed off, insulted, hit on or disappointed during the previous blurry span of time and BEGGING for their forgiveness. It usually involves deciding to join a gym, a rugged juice cleanse from a holistic store, and sometimes even a boost in productivity at work.

Ahh, Britney... I can say this one thing, the bottom isn't nearly as colossally catastrophic for us non-famous actually happens every weekend to more than half of the people just here in NYC! Yes!

Please fix the right thing...and fix it. That's all I can say.

And btw, I feel like shit. It started Sunday and wont stop...Im sitting here sipping tomato soup and drinking tea at the same an effort to thwart whatever is growing in my sinus cavities...ICK...the worst part is I have a little annoying cough and I every second (so the soup thing gets to be more like Russian roulette!)

Hope to feel better soon...I guess I can use this as my "cleanse" hmm dont think I qualify for either of the other identifiables stating that I am past the point of no return, though...WHEW! I was worried Brit's shit was contagious and thats why this started after I watched MTV...fuckers

Maybe MTV is just a vessel infecting people blindly with what they think is good but really makes them sick - WAIT-

Mtv made me sick...and I should have seen it coming.....

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Becks, Kombucha and 50mm's

David Beckham? I was in LA and broke his knee. Told you so...

Kombucha is the best tea in the world and anyone who says otherwise is a shrunken withering soul with no care for their longevity or wellbeing. Not being rude or anything, its just the best drink ever if you want to tke care of yourself and your body. If you don't want to do that then by all means, continue drinking your diet pepsi.

The 50mm lens at the moment is my favorite lens in my arsenal. It is warm, detailed and has a fucking amazingly shallow depth of field. I have just rejuvinated my drive to take new photos....and am trying to work through some new ideas...

check my site
Here YO

Nick is on his way with the band to LA. We missed each other by about 30 minutes at the house.....he was picked up by the van at 8am, I was dropped by my cab from the airport at about 830am.


Well, we will just have to look forward to some great times in a few weeks when we can spend time together again...and not waste it...

life's too short, right?
I want to travel and love and smile and laugh and be retarded with my boo till we are both too old to stand without a walker!

'nuff for now....time to get some rest...
yoga stretches in the morning