Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Blue Nails, Good Cry

The night went as follows:
1. Walk home
2. green tea, brownie
3. intense hour+ yoga workout with an instructor that dropped the F bomb multiple times
4. vegan chicken crepe
5. Double Chocolate Stout, 1/2 brownie
6. Nails become painted blue
7. The Notebook is watched
8. I cry as I do when watching movies. Its the music/score, I swear... that or I am a blubbering wuss. Well, maybe both.
9. Take hippie vitamins
10. drink tea
11. set alarm on annoyingly loud alarm clock which is probably leaking radiation into the right side of my head while I sleep as I have it next to my pillow
12. Fall into slumber, hoping that I can help be a good friend for someone who is not in a good place right now, thinking of the movie, thinking of my breathing... hearing the instructor telling me to keep my legs up..."it's legs up time" and wondering if tomorrow will go quickly... speeding me towards a day of rest and a day for me.

The complications of the days weigh heavy on a brain.
Man, do I need a shower in the morning.
Fuck- yoga makes you sweat like a whore in church.
Oh yeah, saw John Mayer today in Starbucks. We may have had a moment. Don't quite know as it was one of those eye mutual eye contacts that is a bit intrusive leaving you feeling a bit weird afterward. Know what I mean? But dude is TALL. Odd, right?

'Til tomorrow, when I hope to write something more substantive... something of note.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Vegans have fun too

Went to Foodswings in Williamsburg for vegan Thanksgiving dinner. Yummy yum yum.

Then swung through eldridge Satsko to have a drink and some dessert with Warren and Sean. Again, yums all around. Shouldnt have had the beer, coupled with the fake turkey drumsticks...BLOAT CITY!

The dessert Sean came up with was fucking amazing though.

Nigori Goat Cheese Cheesecake with Spiced Pumpkin Icecream.

Oh yeah.
Good times.

Hope all had a wonderful day and spent some downtime relaxing and doing something they enjoy.

Fresh off of watching Shaun of the Dead and drinking a Kombucha tea...I will read myself to sleep and wake tomorrow refreshed and ready for a crazy day of retail hell.

Til tomorrow night, when I will require one tall glass of Malbec to soothe my frazzled nerves...anyone wants to join is more than welcome!

GO PACK. Farvre might take it all

Wouldn't it be great if the Pack and the Pats were in the superbowl? And then they Packers kicked the Pat's ass?

Yes, a girl can dream.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I can't believe its almost Thanksgiving

I cannot believe it.
Where did this year go?

Turkey day will be filled with fake turkey, all the fixin's and hopefully, just a little peace and quiet!
Stay in, relax, and do nothin' else.
Maybe read.
maybe even laundry and cleaning, who knows! I could get all crazy headed and go domestic and cook somethin'!


Anyway, to those reading, have a great holiday and if you are spending it with family either:
1. enjoy your family time and relax, having someone else cook, clean and overstuff you
2. mentally record every insane moment of your crazy fucking family and come home and write a tell all memoir.

love it.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

public frustration.

I sit. I watch. I observe.

Watching, sitting, observing...I was annoyed. I had no good reason to be. I have been that person many times in my life. I just couldnt be there any more. I couldnt witness....add to the scene.

I got up to leave...slipped into my trench and picked up my things...uttered my goodbyes, then a cacaphony of "WHERE ARE YOU GOINGS" came up...like I hadn't already explained my intentions.

Everything has changed, I thought.

I again, through my second wave of farewells, swallowed down the words, the thoughts, the reactions....

Conscience and sense of right have no place in businesses as these.

People are of no meaning. They have no substance. They have lost it in the jelly lining the whiskey bottle and the sludge lining the glass. There is no more. There are shells...hollow beings, bent on one purpose....bent on the irradication of some concept known only unto them.

I leave. I leave and think...I can't stop thinking.
Why doesnt it make sense? Why doesnt the equation resolve itself under my pen?

Saturday Night's Alright for Mulling

So my first Saturday off in roughly ...wow, I can't really remember when I had a Saturday AND a Sunday off in a row....like, together. WOW. Anyway...

Yesterday was a fantastic day off. I wasnt a lazy piece of shit like I predicted, but rather was pleasantly active.

Started off with brunch at Alias on the LES with Jenny and Troy. Traditional Huevos with corn tortillas, beans and root veggie homefries. YUM. They had this amazing jalepeno mash that was delicious. Yum. And we all split a half carafe of sangria.

Then straight to the American Museum of Natural History. We went through the butterfly exhibit which was AWESOMELY hot and moist (roughly 85 degrees and 90 percent humidity inside the vault) and saw some of the most delicate little flying things I've ever seen. They land on you, fly all around you....it was amazing.

Then to Drop off Service Bar for a quick pint of Boddington's and a game of Snowman on the Magic Touch machine...(jenny trounced me)

Then we deceided to make an evening of it and cooked dinner and watched a Hitchcock film (Strangers on a Train) and mulled red wine AND oatmeal "everything" cookies.

Yes, eventful AND satisfying. I cashed in early though and was in bed before 1am reading...Jenny and Troy were on a mission to play some pool....Saturday is notoriously douchey around these parts, so I opted out.

Off to meet my STL friends for a quick early brunch, show them off to Ground Zero and then head home again for some photo work!

LATE compadres

Friday, November 16, 2007

the consummate host?

what do you do to give your buddies a New York experience?

Drag their asses away from Midtown Hell and bring them to the EV for a night of cheap drinks and chit chat!!!

So Jen a good friend from STL (wife of the Fritz Monkey) is in town for a few days for a teacher's convention...English...9th grade..WOW she is a trooper, right? And I thought that a little local flavor would treat her right! She and her friend Amy met several friends and acquaintances from my local haunts that were either FROM St Louis or have lived there...made conversation on their own, learned local shit...got a fantastically rendered map via my hand and astute spacial and navigational memory (a frickin map ok... of manhattan...so they don't end up in fucking Harlem looking for the Brooklyn Bridge) and received two lovely roses thanks to D and his charm.

I think I did ok.
We meet Sunday for brunch here in the EV again. Maybe Yuca? Or Esperanto...? or maybe this is the time for the Essex house so I can send them off with a bang. Who knows.

Good night.
One shift left then I am a lazy bitch for 2 days. Lazy in the terms of "not working...or thinking of anything work related"...

I will be doing interesting things....might try to hit up the Nat History Museum finally.

Any takers?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

48 hours and counting

So yeah, I am off this weekend....FINALLY!

Just in time to get some well deserved and much needed R&R before the holidays. Of which, I am dreading. I don't think that they will be difficult, I have just set a big challenge for myself in trying to bust ass to get a major pay hike and promotion in the early part of next year...Just trying to wrap my head around it...plan for it...

AND...keep sane and continue to do the things I love.

This weekend is going to be wonderful. I don't want it filled with the usual....the cleaning, the laundry, the hangovers. But maybe movies, the park, a museum....other things...things I havent taken full advantage of, or done/seen yet.

I love New York.
FUCK. What a crazy, infuriating, but fantastical city.

Now to finish book #2.
And yes, this book has now upped the bar for everything else.

Damn good.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

No Country for a Killing Spree

Please go see No Country For Old Men.

Amazing movie. Amazing acting. Amazing simplicity.

Just see it.

If you live in New York and you now are realizing that movies cost $12 a pop, it is well worth it. Better than a martini plus tip or even two "special" beer and whiskey shot combos (plus tip...as we all know a $5 special twice requires a $2 tip out)

It is good.
I wont go on.
Ive been dwelling for a day now. Telling many a person to go. This is my hurrah. My last plea. Just go.

You won't be disappointed (unless you and Michael Bay are best friends and you subscribe to the more money more bang bang philosophy)

It was great.
You will see.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Post 101 - Irony

I find it ironic that my first milestone blog post is probably going to be my shortest.

I realized I can be a total selfish bitch last night.

I suck right now.

And now I am going to work.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

the day of tests

today I tried really hard.

I let go of a few things....work and such. Stepped back, I did not take on everything, as usual.

watching a movie right now....

Did some yoga...push ups ...crunches. OUCH.

tests. They are hard, they are good...they build strength, they prove to yourself your merit, and sometimes they show you who you are.

They aren't easy...fuck NO.

But perhaps tomorrow we shall see the results...
Not just my rock hard abs, inner peace and sculpted ass. haha...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

where it begins

(excepts from some shit I wrote in my phone recently...after a few glasses of wine)

Write. Read. Remember what was said. Think things through most of the time. Be passionate in your actions. Don't always keep it in. Show your weaknesses sometimes. Ask people's opinion more often. Shut up and listen more. Notate your reactions. Observe the reactions you get. Don't forget. Keep the small things close to the surface. Remind yourself who you are. Remember that feeling. Don't drop it, don't let it fall. Smile more. Do good in your life. Be happy.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

New photos up

Check them out...just a few from today's wanderings...

You can click the link below, or the image above....your choice, man.


Day off...#2?

Went out and took some pictures today. Actually took out my telephoto lens. I think I grabbed a few good shots. Gotta pull them off my card to take a peek. Worked a few other shots and uploaded them. YEEEEEEEAH.

It was COLD last night...which was fucking radical in my opinion. I used both of my blankets (not just the fuzzy blue one that has got me through the nights thus far) but the red as well. I slept quite soundly thanks to that cold.

Yesterday was crazy...a madhouse. It was insane at work...we did over $33k in one day. Holy shit. I haven't run around that much in a long LONG time. It felt good, great actually.

Tonight is just a chill night....want to get a bunch of reading done....I have been working so much that I have only been able to read for like a 45 minute slice of time each day. Disappoints me. The book is so good, it deserves a lot more of my time. More of my attention.

Watching a bit of football. About to eat some mac and cheese. Got a juice again today, which RULED. The "Killer" from Liquiteria is fucking AMAZING. Get it HOT with cayenne added in, the most perfect Fall drink to keep you warm for those brisk walks through the city. I love it.

OK. I am off to read, root against the Pats, and then eat some yummies. Perhaps I will get some more writing in... seems to just be falling out of my head lately. Makes sense...helps the days make sense. It has been too long since I wrote regularly. I missed it, I guess. Feels good.

Back later!

Friday, November 02, 2007

the love of language

Please read.

That is about all I can say at the moment.

At the moment I am in the middle of a book that redefines reading for me. Weird, huh?

Weird but awesome.


Redefining should occur, I think. While routine and regimen are good for some aspects of your life, they can blind you to the obvious. They can milk over your eyes with their blurring predictability. They shield you from the now, the real...the feel.

Just read. Please... find that thing that makes you pause.
It can cause worlds to reverse...and sometimes, sometimes upside down is right.

what was done

I only missed out on shooting photos today.

All other things accomplished.

Wished I had gone on another nighttime stroll however.

Now I am reading again. Listening to some voice inside my head read the words on the page before me....soothing me into dream readiness...preparing my brain for a cycle or two of sleep.

Lying on my back in my bed, feet on the ceiling, reading aloud in my head.

Oh yeah, I also bought a juice and another book, fixed the toilet paper holder in the bathroom, put up a new shower curtain, did the dishes, swept and did 10 push ups. No ab workout though....should have done some yoga, but the book called...the book seduced.

Good day off. Good day off.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


I am off work today. This is what I plan to do:

-read my book (which is one reason that I have lately to revel in the brilliance of certain sentient beings)

-clean my room (as it is a sty...)

-pay my rent (self fucking explanatory)

-buy new deodorant (I have come to the conclusion with the advent of "prescription strength" deodorants in the consumer market, regular deodorants have altered their formulation to make anyone who uses them stink. How can these people even sleep at night?)

-buy conventional bar of soap (my fancy ones are too fancy and get used outside of their specialized purpose, it has lessened their effect)

-shoot some photos with my telephoto lens (so I can feel intrusive and get some pleasure out of the day)

-work some photos (duh)

-watch a movie

-take a walk